
martes, 7 de diciembre de 2010

Quotes of Rueda Avila Mario [ramario]

If you like my quotes, just take a RT, but you can ignore, nothing happens. Thanks. Rueda Avila Mario [ramario].

In life not knowing is not serious, so serious is not to know or learn. Rueda Avila, Mario

The struggle for love or an ideal, sometimes it involves fighting the nature of oneself. Rueda Avila, Mario.

In life and in relationships no standard formulas that apply to everyone, you must deduct their own. Rueda Avila, Mario.

Smiling always never be enough as to be happy must be a constant pursuit of all human beings. Rueda Avila, Mario.

When someone older encourages you to go ahead and tell you that you have a life to live, time is who have the reason. Rueda Avila, Mario.

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